A New Year’s Thank You

At the start of a new year, I want to give a big thank you to all of Black Sheep’s clients and supporters.

Just last year, our first, we helped you connect with an ancestor who mined copper in West Cork before finding a home on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We uncovered stories from the American Revolution and the Civil War.

We traveled with a family from the lakefronts of Pomerania to the arid plains of western Missouri, and from the tinplate factories of South Wales all the way to gas-rich Indiana. We found your ancestors enslaved in the rice fields of South Carolina and painting landscapes in the West Riding of Yorkshire. They brewed beer in Upstate New York and fought guerrilla battles in West Virginia. They opened nightclubs in New Rochelle and fought gangsters outside Kansas City.

In each case we dug deep, crafted a compelling story, and then gave it all back to you—not only all the birth certificates and census sheets and marriage licenses, but a whole new way of understanding your family and what it means to you.

In the process, we were privileged to have the opportunity to learn about your family history. So thank you again. We’re looking forward to all the stories awaiting us in 2022.

Learn more about how Black Sheep can help tell your family’s story.

Image: Men of the Kidwelly Tin Works, South Wales, undated


Where to Start?


‘He kindly stopped for me’